Tuesday, September 26, 2006

10 Things I Have Learned

found very interesting artile here.
Worth a look and some thought.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Query hierarchical data - SQL 2005

Table data...
Line                            Name                           ForLine
1                                Stuff                          0
2                                SubStuff                       1
3                                SubSubStuff                    2
4                                Other                          0
5                                SubOther                       4
6                                LowStuff                       3
Result required...
Line          Name                           ForLine           TopName
3              SubSubStuff                 2                    Stuff
   WITH MyTree (Line, Name, ForLine, TopName)
   -- Anchor member definition
           Name as TopName
           ForLine = 0
       UNION ALL
   -- Recursive member definition
           MyTable m
           INNER JOIN MyTree t
           ON m.ForLine = t.Line

       Line = 3

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

बराहाचा शोध

छानच लिहीता येते बराहा वापरुन. हा माझा पहिलाच प्रयोग आहे मराठी लिहिन्याचा. ठ लिहीणे जरा जडच गेले.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

a win .. at last

I thought, I have forgotten how to win a chess game. But no, rising from the ashes, I won this, and that too with white pieces......

1. e4 e6 2. f4 d5 3. Nf3 d4 4. Bc4 c5 5. d3 a6 6. f5 b5 7. fxe6 bxc4 8. exf7+ Kxf7 9. Ne5+ Ke8 10. Qh5+ 11. Nxg6 12. Qe5+ 13. Nxh8 14. Qe6 15. Qf7#


मी आहे असाच ...